The research project BIM Simulation Lab aims to create a laboratory for the management and visualization of digital information to support the decision-making process in the design, execution (works management) and / or maintenance of a building. In parallel to the creation of a physical space, the laboratory will implement three specific applications, in the experimental phase, which will facilitate access to future external users to the experimentation of BIM processes:
- Field2BIM tool; a software library for the (semi-)automatic transfer of data from the real world to the digital world through artificial intelligence (AI) techniques applied for example to laser scanning or photogrammetric surveying.
- BIMobility Simulator; an application to support the design of individual buildings and/or entire districts that provide for the integration of electric mobility systems, facilitating the sizing and positioning of specific technological equipment (PV, electrical wiring, charging points and columns, etc.).
- BIM2Field tool; an application for the digital management of the site through the application of Lean Construction Management techniques, such as the Last Planner System (LPS), for the efficient transfer of data from the digital world to the real world.
Project details
Name: BIM Simulation Lab - Laboratorio di simulazione per la digitalizzazione BIM-based dei processi in edilizia [CUP: B51G17000270001]
Project budget: 609.094,54
Project code: ERDF 1086
Operational Programme: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - Investments for growth and employment 2014 - 2020.
Partners: Fraunhofer Italia
Duration: 01/09/2018 – 01/09/2021
Website: bimsimulation.com