Sustainable Innovation

Sustainable innovation means planning the future to optimize environmental, social, ethical and economic impacts. It is key to the development of any new system or technological application, with benefits for the planet and all humanity, including future generations. By nature, it is inter-sectorial and accounts for a variety of global factors; understanding and managing it thus demands an interdisciplinary approach which combines technologies with analytical tools and methods for assessing, monitoring and developing action plans to achieve integrated sustainability objectives.



The KnowHowHP project uses a digital and integrated approach to train both installers and professionals on the use of heat pumps in multi-family buildings. A digital toolbox and advanced tools improve planning, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.



Simulation Tools for the design of safe and sustainable Lubricants

The SiToLub projects's primary objective is to create a comprehensive digital platform capable of assessing the safety and sustainability aspects of lubricants.



DIgital Advanced MANufacturing of Timber facades

The project aims to establish a methodology for organizing a digital and automated supply chain that aims for efficiency and cost reduction of prefabricated wood-based building envelope products.



The Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain

professional development of smart and sustainability competences of engineers in the mobility value chain.



Territorial Biorefineries for Circular Economy

Central Europe has a strong potential for economically utilising biomass from agriculture. The TeBiCE project contributes by establishing sustainable value chains for biomass-based products. The partners also help with creating a market for these products by harmonising and improving regulatory frameworks across central Europe.



Reconfigurable and intelligent systems for sustainable production processes

SMART-Pro addresses challenges regarding flexibility and sustainability in production and manufacturing in a holistic way.



Development of an integrated system for optimised energy management of buildings

SINCRO aims to develop a solution to optimise energy management in buildings, based on data from a monitoring system using IoT technologies and the active and intelligent involvement of users.



Retrofitting interventions in South Tyrol

KlimaKit tackles existing barriers in the sector comprehensively, to disentangle the factors preventing retrofitting interventions and laying the groundwork for an innovative model involving all actors in South Tyrol’s retrofitting market.



Industrialised systems for the retrofit of facades

The “LEGNATTIVO” project will develop industrialised systems for the retrofit of facades with the integration of active plant components. The systems will be designed with a view to optimising the use of resources, combining the use of wood as an enabling technology with the production of electricity from solar energy.




Linking BioBased Industry Value Chains Across the Alpine Region

The Interreg Alpine Space AlpLinkBioEco project will develop a cross-regional circular bio-based economic strategy connecting diverse producers along the entire supply chain to increase the economic competitiveness of alpine regions.



Bread in alpine environments: innovative mechanized solutions for the cereal supply chain

The BROTWEG project aims to develop innovations for the cultivation of cereals in mountain areas, on very steep slopes (70%) where the cultivation of cereals is currently precluded to any form of mechanization.



OPTimized solutIONS for sustainable retrofits

The OPTIONS project has the objective of developing integrated solutions for energy efficiency retrofits capable of optimizing a variety of aspects related to sustainability. The use of artificial intelligence algorithms has enabled us to identify solutions for optimizing the environmental impact of such retrofits and incentivizing clients to use sustainable solutions.