Among the far-fetching objectives spelled out by EU2020 are a 20% reduction of CO2 emissions and a 20% increase in energy-efficiency. Current renovation rates languish Europe-wide at nearly zero percent whilst the target level stands at 2,5% for 2020 and at 5% for 2050. This results in the retrofitting market did not living up to its expectations in spite of the wide array of technological products and financial services available to date.
KlimaKit tackles existing barriers in the sector comprehensively, to disentangle the factors preventing interventions and laying the groundwork for an innovative model involving all actors in South Tyrol’s retrofitting market.
On the entrepreneurial side, KlimaKit encourages the energy sector in South Tyrol to deliver partnerships and integrated retrofitting solutions for residential buildings. Furthermore, KlimaKit points to a reviewed legal framework, one enabling public building institutes and public administrations to bring in innovative technology and retrofitting models. Last, it empowers end-users through behavioural tutorage aimed at maximising comfort and energy-efficiency. KlimaKit operationalises these goals through an intuitive web platform streaming prompt and useful energy-efficiency analytics targeted at globally advancing a building´s energy profile, and laying the way to energy-efficient maintenance over time.
Project details:
Project name: ERDF 1018 KlimaKit [CUP: B56J16001740001]
Operational Programm: European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD)
Project Partners: Fraunhofer Italia (coordinator); Eurac Research.
Project duration: 01.01.2017-11.11.2019
Website KlimaKit (Italian): http://www.klimakit.it/
Website KlimaKit (German):http://www.klimakit.it/de/
Web App Klimakit-Analyse: http://app.klimakit.it/