The OPENIoT4SmartCities project stems from the desire to exploit the opportunities offered by emerging infrastructures in the IoT sector, to respond to the modern needs of urban contexts, applying new technologies to the service of the city.
The aim of the proposal is to design and develop a digital platform for smart cities, aimed at fostering the integration of new services for and with citizens, businesses, tourists and public administrations. The company Systems srl, the project lead, will develop a product-prototype software that makes possible, through the use of the Internet of Things, an integrated development of the city in a smart perspective, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life, create opportunities for social and economic development, encourage new sustainable initiatives and generate new forms of integration. This approach enables the city and its inhabitants to play a leading role, rediscovering and enhancing their local identity and skills.
The developed platform will have to be supported by a roadmap as an operational tool, to collect the needs of the cities and to enable a realistic and coherent path towards the smart city of the future to be taken. Fraunhofer Italia will concretize this challenge with the creation of a methodology to accompany and facilitate the introduction of an open platform for smart cities within a city.
The tools developed will be implemented on the basis of a real case study, and will be scalable in different contexts, allowing their introduction on the market adapting from time to time a generic model to a specific vision. The experimentation is carried out by comparing it with a medium-sized municipality in the Alto-Adige located in the municipality of Merano.
Project details:
Name: 1069 OPENIoT4SmartCities [CUP: B11B17000720008]
Project budget: 403.178,97
Operational Programme: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - Investments for growth and employment 2014 - 2020.
Partners: Systems srl, Fraunhofer Italia
Duration: 05.2018 - 12.2019
Website: http://www.openiot4smartcities.com