Climate change is having a global impact on the natural environment, society and economic activity. The damage caused by frequent and intense rainfall highlights the lack of adequate tools to manage and control the environment and the urgent need to invest in automated systems for risk and water management through monitoring and AI systems.
ORCHESTRA aims to evaluate the use of green technologies as well as digital twins to optimize the stormwater management system and make it resilient, technological and intelligent. The aim of the project is to improve the management of the rainwater cycle, from retention systems such as green roofs to the city-wide sewer network, through an integrated system based on IoT technology. The realization of an interactive system for the sustainable and dynamic management of water resources in the sewage system and green roofs of buildings enables the optimization of water flow, retention and storage by using IoT data and physically based machine learning models to protect the urban environment.
The result is the analysis of the functioning of the Sponge City and the "dynamic" urban drainage systems with the introduction of monitoring and AI systems, data collection and processing within the ORCHESTRAHub platform to manage, analyze and visualize data at a spatial and individual level in order to achieve holistic, sustainable and efficient control of the stormwater cycle.
Project details
Name: ERDF 1014 ORCHESTRA - Open smaRt teCHnologiEs Sustainable waTeR mAnagement
CUP: B57H23003870007
Project budget: € 945.656,40 (of which funded: € 628.890,24)
Operational Programme: Regional Program "Investments for Employment and Growth" ERDF 2021-2027 for the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige.
Partners: Fraunhofer Italia Research Scarl, Systems S.r.l., ClimaGrün S.r.l., Photogram GmbH - s.r.l., Ingena S.r.l., SEAB S.p.A
Duration: 09/2023 - 08/2026